How to run the Profit and Loss report by Customers in QuickBooks Online

The Profit and Loss report by Customer (aka Income Statement) will display your income, expenses and net income (profit or loss) by customer. Like the regular P&L report, it will be based on a starting and ending period of time. You can access the P&L by Customer by first clicking Reports on the left navigation bar. Then scroll down and select Profit and Loss By Customer which is in the Business Overview section. You can also find it in the search bar by typing "profit" and then selecting the report from the pop up list. This report will help you understand a clearer picture of income or losses by customers.  

By |2018-06-18T18:02:55-05:00June 18th, 2018|QuickBooks Online|1 Comment

How to to run and customize the open invoices report in QuickBooks Online

The open invoices reports in QuickBooks Online displays a list of all customers that haven't paid in full. This report will link to the Accounts Receivable of the Chart of Accounts. A common mistake for small business owners is to forget the past work they performed for their customers. The may have sent an invoice out to a customer but got so busy serving other customers they forget to collect payments. A business owner who is not organized in collecting customer payments in a timely manner will threat his own chances for existing. The good news is that QuickBooks Online will not forget which customers still have invoices not paid in full. To run the [...]

By |2018-06-18T18:03:27-05:00June 15th, 2018|QuickBooks Online|0 Comments

How to decide which QuickBooks Online version is right for you?

QuickBooks Online offers three options to purchase. Simple Start Essentials Plus As of June 2018, the pricing is $20 (QuickBooks Online Simple Start), $40 (QuickBooks Online Essentials) and $60 (QuickBooks Online Plus) per month. As your business moves forward, you can opt to upgrade or downgrade your plan. If you want to track inventory in QBO, then need to purchase the Plus version. If you are a non-profit you probably want a copy of the Plus version so you can use the Class tracking feature. TechSoup offers a $50 price for the entire year for copy of a new QuickBooks Plus version. If you are a business coach then you can go with the Simple [...]

By |2018-06-14T13:06:37-05:00June 14th, 2018|QuickBooks Online|0 Comments

How to reconcile your checking account in QuickBooks Online

If you have a QuickBooks Online account, you should be performing monthly reconciliations for each business checking and credit card account you have. Reconciliation is the process of matching your bank statements to your QuickBooks registers. This process ensures that you do any course correction such as dealing with QuickBooks duplicate entries or bank errors. Before you can reconcile, you will need to obtain your monthly statement from your bank. A checking account statement will have the following: Account Number Beginning Balance Ending Balance Date range period Summary Information that is helpful for the person reconciling: Subtotal of Deposits and Additions (Instances) Checks Paid (Instances) ATM & Debit Card withdraws Electronic withdraws Other withdraws Bank [...]

By |2018-06-13T08:07:18-05:00June 13th, 2018|QuickBooks Online|0 Comments

How to fix duplicates Vendors in Quickbooks Online

If you discover that you have duplicate Vendors in QuickBooks Online there is a way to merge the records into one. For example, if you have two vendors in QBO, one called "AIRBNB" and the other called "AirBandB" you could merge them together. This means that all the field data would stay with the Vendor you merge into. If you had separate email addressess, then the one that would remain is Vendor whose name you type in Step 4 below. Step 1: Verify that you indeed have the same vendor listed twice, but with a different name. Step 2: Click on the vendor that the name is incorrect. Step 3: Click Edit (upper right corner) [...]

By |2018-06-11T07:10:16-05:00June 11th, 2018|QuickBooks Online|0 Comments

How to export the QuickBooks Online proft and loss report to Excel

The Profit and Loss report is a financial document that shows income and expenses subtotals for a certain period of time. It is a very important document that is needed to report income for a tax period year. The report is also known as the Income Statement. Step 1: Click Reports on the left navigation tab and the select Profit and Loss report from the Business Overview category. Step 2: Change the date for the period you want to report Custom Range All Dates Today This Week This Week to-date This Month This Month to-date This Quarter This Quarter to-date This Year This Year to-date This Year to-last-month Yesterday Recent Last Week Last Week to-date [...]

By |2018-06-09T16:58:49-05:00June 9th, 2018|Excel, QuickBooks Online|0 Comments
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