How to do a Vlookup in Excel
This video will teach you how to master the Vlookup in Excel.
This video will teach you how to master the Vlookup in Excel.
Goal Seek is a great feature in Excel to find a target value. You can find Goal Seek within the Data Tab under the what-if button. In this example, I will share with you how to answer how much new revenue much we achieve to produce $10,000 in profit. Goal Seek options setup Goal Seek Results: The value is $8,050 in new product revenue will yield a profit of 10K.
In this video, I share 3 examples of formatting text in Excel. This often becomes a very useful time saver for me.
In this video, I will teach you how to generate thank you letters using a mail merge in Word. First I begin with QBO to create the two reports necessary. Those include "Sales by Customer Summary". It may also say "Sales by Donor/Member Summary" depending on your QBO preferences. I export that report after I filtered the dates and income categories. Next I export a QBO report called Customer Contact List. It also may be called Donor/Member Contact List. Once I have those two reports in 1 Excel file, I can use a vlookup to find the amounts donated. Watch the video for step by step instruction.
Download my printable Excel Keyboard Shortcuts. Insert Today’s Date---------------------------------------- Control + Semi Colon Change Workbooks---------------------------------------- Control + Tab Navigate quickly to last contiguous cell range------ Control + arrow key Select across contiguous cell range-------------------- Control + Shift + arrow key Navigate back to top-------------------------------------- Control + Home Navigate to sheet to right-------------------------------- Control + Page Down Navigate to sheet to the left----------------------------- Control + Page Up AutoSum------------------------------------------------------ Alt + = Insert Worksheet------------------------------------------- Shift + F11 Bold----------------------------------------------------------- Control + B Italic----------------------------------------------------------- Control + I Underline---------------------------------------------------- Control + U Change Font------------------------------------------------- Control + Shift + F Print Preview------------------------------------------------ Control + F2 Find------------------------------------------------------------ Control + F Replace------------------------------------------------------- Control + H Insert Hyperlink--------------------------------------------- Control + K Help----------------------------------------------------------- F1 Absolute [...]
I want to use the data set to lookup the items associated by month. At any given month, I want to lookup the values for the revenue and expenses per ID. The IDs are listed above but they are located in merge cells. This creates a problem because typically tables do not have merge cells. But with using the index and match function I can lookup the data I want. I will need to create 3 range names. One for the data range, one for the horizontal labels, and the other for the vertical labels. The index function has 3 arguments. First I use the data range, then I need a row number to go [...]