About Steve Chase

Steve Chase grew up in Dayton, OH but now calls San Antonio, TX home along with his entrepreneur wife, Erin, and their 4 sons. Steve founded Sequentia Solutions in 2017 to help small business owners grow their business with practical and effective solutions. Steve's #1 Clifton StrengthsFinder skill is Learner which comes in handy while he teaches others how to best use various business software applications like QuickBooks Online and Excel. Steve is an active volunteer leader with the Boy Scouts and treasures the lessons he learned while participating in Scouts as a youth on his path to Eagle. Steve enjoys drinking coffee, a good book, visiting art museums, and doing math problems using a brand new sharpened #2 pencils.

My Book “Finding My Trail and Faith at Philmont” is now available on Kindle

It is with gratitude and humbleness that I have released my book, Finding My Trail and Faith at Philmont." It is my journey I wrote for my sons about my experience earning my Eagle Scout, mistakes I made in college, and finding my freedom at Philmont. Available on Amazon for $4.25. https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B07BYPTJDF&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_auKXAbVTFTXSC

By |2018-06-07T23:45:33-05:00April 5th, 2018|My Books|0 Comments

How to write donation thank you letters using QuickBooks Online

In this video, I will teach you how to generate thank you letters using a mail merge in Word. First I begin with QBO to create the two reports necessary. Those include "Sales by Customer Summary". It may also say "Sales by Donor/Member Summary" depending on your QBO preferences. I export that report after I filtered the dates and income categories. Next I export a QBO report called Customer Contact List. It also may be called Donor/Member Contact List. Once I have those two reports in 1 Excel file, I can use a vlookup to find the amounts donated.   Watch the video for step by step instruction.

By |2018-06-07T23:46:08-05:00February 10th, 2018|Excel, QuickBooks Online|0 Comments

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts printable cheatsheet

Download my printable  Excel Keyboard Shortcuts. Insert Today’s Date---------------------------------------- Control + Semi Colon Change Workbooks---------------------------------------- Control + Tab Navigate quickly to last contiguous cell range------ Control + arrow key Select across contiguous cell range-------------------- Control + Shift + arrow key Navigate back to top-------------------------------------- Control + Home Navigate to sheet to right-------------------------------- Control + Page Down Navigate to sheet to the left----------------------------- Control + Page Up AutoSum------------------------------------------------------ Alt + = Insert Worksheet------------------------------------------- Shift + F11 Bold----------------------------------------------------------- Control + B Italic----------------------------------------------------------- Control + I Underline---------------------------------------------------- Control + U Change Font------------------------------------------------- Control + Shift + F Print Preview------------------------------------------------ Control + F2 Find------------------------------------------------------------ Control + F Replace------------------------------------------------------- Control + H Insert Hyperlink--------------------------------------------- Control + K Help----------------------------------------------------------- F1 Absolute [...]

By |2018-06-07T23:46:19-05:00February 10th, 2018|Excel|0 Comments

How to use the Index and Match function to lookup up values in a non traditional table

I want to use the data set to lookup the items associated by month. At any given month, I want to lookup the values for the revenue and expenses per ID. The IDs are listed above but they are located in merge cells. This creates a problem because typically tables do not have merge cells. But with using the index and match function I can lookup the data I want. I will need to create 3 range names. One for the data range, one for the horizontal labels, and the other for the vertical labels. The index function has 3 arguments. First I use the data range, then I need a row number to go [...]

By |2018-06-07T23:46:35-05:00February 10th, 2018|Excel|0 Comments
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